A WIP project for organizing teams with planned features including chats, events & practices, score tracking, and sport specific features such as sailing pairs.
A section of the sailing website, that scrapes the scores from the official scoring site, and graphs them based on selected teams and people.
A school project that simulates the basic flocking behaviors of animals. Includes custom triangle renderer, custom vector math class, and is based off Craig Reynold's flocking algorithm. This project and the assignments leading up to it taught me how to use Java and how to write better more structured code. I also ported the project to Javascript for the web.
A website for my sailing team, to help keep track of pairings for our double handed boats. Features a simple drag and drop interface where you can create pairings and store them in a database to share with other people (or access later). You can create randomized pairings based off of previous pairings, and even the type of boat to sail in.
This project was created to help organize tasks for my robotics team and keep track of time during our meetings. It features database storage, responsive design, and real-time updates. It taught me all about creating a server, handling requests, database storage, APIs, and just general JavaScript. Heroku has since disabled it's free tier so this project is no longer hosted
This project was built to control individually addressable LED light strips which included features like remote control, web control, and many different visual effects. I created two versions, one for Arduino, and one for the Raspberry Pi. This project was where I learned the fundamentals of programming.
A project for a $50,000 Game Development competition. Set in a dystopian future, you must escape the prison via car, mech and boat to the countryside. Made with the Krunker Editor and runs on browser.
Placed 7th.
A commisioned project for an unreleased online game. Set in a factory, this project was a great way to gain experience with working on a team, as well as doing commisioned work.
A commisioned project for an unreleased online game. Set in an old mining town in the far reaches of alaska, this map has well balanced gameplay and a high level of detail. A collaboration with fellow artist Octodoodle, it features many unique areas including a mineshaft, sawmill, sleeping quarters, and many buildings throughout the town. The project is well optimized, and required many skills to create such as terrain creation, modelling, texturing, and general knowledge of level design and environment art.
Set in a secret research facility in the depths of the ocean, this map was unique in its asthetic as well as its level design. It played with verticality in a way not exectued in previous maps for this game.
An unfinished collaboration which was planned to span many worlds and push the limits of browser games. Even though it was never finished, much work was still put into it, including modelling and texturing several spacecraft, as well as making a few planets with custom terrain and assets. We developed a chunk system to help with performance, as well as many menus and interactions from scratch.